Our studio building in Deptford (run by amazing craft incubator, Cockpit), has been undergoing major renovations that will result in a new, modernised Education Space where I and other makers can hold workshops - as well as a new cafe that will be open to the public (I am particularly excited about this, though it's probably not great for my caffeine addiction) and a Craft Garden at the front of the building where visitors can sit to sip a hot drink and admire craft pieces on display.
It's for this part of the redevelopment that Cockpit is asking for support, via a Crowdfunding campaign. The current space is inaccessible and a bit neglected, completely enclosed by a large foreboding wall. The plan is to open it up to the community and provide a space where people can connect over craft.
Please consider offering your support to Cockpit via a pledge - they do really important work helping people like me to access affordable space and business support. I would never have been able to grow Marmor Paperie as much as I have or share my craft through workshops without their support.