Beginner's Complete Marbling Kit
Marbling is an extremely fun and therapeutic craft - try it for yourself with our Beginner's Complete Marbling Kit. You don't need artistic expertise or previous experience - just a healthy dose of creativity and a willingness to get messy. It's also a perfect activity to do with children as it's impossible to do it 'wrong'.
The kit contains everything you will need to start creating your own beautiful papers in the Turkish tradition (using thickened water to float your paints on).
- 1 x instruction booklet
- 5 x acrylic paints (primary colours, black & white so you can mix any shade you like) [OPTIONAL]
- 5 x paintbrushes
- 60g carrageenan
- 40g alum
- 1 x pipette
- 1 x skewer
- 1 x double-sided comb
- 1 x sponge
- 12 x A4 paper (4 x coloured, 8 x white)
- plastic container (doubles as a marbling tray)
To get the most out of the kit, you will also need a few common household tools including a blender or hand mixer, a kettle, protective table covering, and something to hang your wet papers from such as a folding airer or a washing line.
The instruction booklet will walk you through how to set up your marbling tray and describes how to apply paint and manipulate it to make patterns, leaving you with a good grasp of the basics of marbling so you can continue to develop your skills.